The shortlisted competition entry for the new S.M.A.K. Museum in Ghent (BE), by the team FELT-MONADNOCK & aNNO architects, enhances Ghent’s historic Citadelpark by concentrating the two-faced museum of contemporary art, in compact circular pavilions, freeing up more green space and harmonizing with the park’s heritage value.
Two barrel-shaped volumes integrate seamlessly into the park’s layout and preserve the Floralia hall’s autonomy in both form and function. Both buildings reinterpret the historical structures flanking the impressive hall, presenting themselves as two siblings: similar in appearance yet each with a unique identity. One is the SMAK-hall which is extroverted, transparent, and open, acting as a polyvalent hall for the park, the surrounding museums, and the city. The other is the SMAK-house, which more introverted, serving as an intimate home for the permanent collection of the S.M.A.K.
We enjoyed the collaboration with FELT, aNNO, ABT and Rudy Luijters-Veldwerk, and congratulate the winning team David Kohn architects and noA architects. For more information, please visit this link: SMAK