Runner-up S.M.A.K. Museum Ghent 04.07.2024

The shortlisted competition entry for the new S.M.A.K. Museum in Ghent (BE), by the team FELT-MONADNOCK & aNNO architects, enhances Ghent’s historic Citadelpark by concentrating the two-faced museum of contemporary art, in compact circular pavilions, freeing up more green space and harmonizing with the park’s heritage value.

Two barrel-shaped volumes integrate seamlessly into the park’s layout and preserve the Floralia hall’s autonomy in both form and function. Both buildings reinterpret the historical structures flanking the impressive hall, presenting themselves as two siblings: similar in appearance yet each with a unique identity. One is the SMAK-hall which is extroverted, transparent, and open, acting as a polyvalent hall for the park, the surrounding museums, and the city. The other is the SMAK-house, which more introverted, serving as an intimate home for the permanent collection of the S.M.A.K.

We enjoyed the collaboration with FELT, aNNO, ABT and Rudy Luijters-Veldwerk, and congratulate the winning team David Kohn architects and noA architects. For more information, please visit this link: SMAK


On behalf of StudioKempeThill / Leibniz University Hannover, Monadnock is invited to lecture in the Rationalism series, starting at 18:00h.


Please send in your portfolio to:

Jurymember Almere Architecture Prize 2024

The Dutch city of Almere organises an annual architecture award, Job Floris of Monadnock has been invited to be part of the professional jurycommittee for the 2024 edition.

For more information please visit this link: Almere

Utrecht housing project launched 24.04.2024

24 April saw the start of construction of the housing complex Bloei030. Located on the Berlinplein, housingcorporation Woonin and developer Wonam, are realising 264 mid-rent and social housing units in Leidsche Rijn – together with contractor Heijmans.

The complex consist of a linked series of three green courtyards and a mixed residential programme in two building blocks. A unique, integral residential concept for mixed living will be created. Including commercial and social spaces and a parking garage, a welcome new addition to Leidsche Rijn Centre.

A collaboration between Geurst & Schulze architects, BureauVanEig, Flux landscape architecture and MONADNOCK, Goudstikker-deVries structural engineers, LBP-SIGHT and Nelissen installation-consultants.

Lecture at the Academy for Architecture in Maastricht 04.04.24

Monadnock has been invited to contribute to the 2024 lecture series on the Maastricht Academy of Architecture on behalf of Saar Meganck on Thursday 4 at 19:00h Herdnekingsplein 4, Maastricht.

18 Minutes lecture at Atelier Mayol USI-Mendrisio 28.03.24

On behalf of Professor Jaume Mayol of Ted’A, Monadnock is invited to participate in the 18-minutes lecture-series: online 28.03.2024 starting at 19:00h CET. To attend, please use the link above

Small Architectures exhibition opened in Buenos Aires 23.03.2024

MONADNOCK takes part in the exhibition ‘Small Architectures’ in Buenos Aires, Argentine. A new furniture series produced by 322a, formerly known as the New York based gallery Chamber, opened Saturday 23rd of March 2024. Monadnock contributes with the design of a daybed. The exhibition is curated by 322a and MOS architects NYC, and produced by Itmec.

Participants of these series: Sean Canty (US), Go Hasegawa (JP), LütjensPadmanabahn (CH), MAIO architects (ES), MOS architects (US), Monadnock (NL), Something Fantastic (DE)

For more information, please vist this link: 322a


On behalf of the University of Antwerp, Monadnock has been invited to give a lecture on recent work and motifs in our practice, under the title ‘Composite Coherence’.

For more information please visit this link: UAntwerp


The iconic tower house in the heart of the Waalsprong district, Nijmegen (NL) has reached its highest point.